Thursday, September 30, 2004

It has been a very very long time...hasn't it? I'm drinking Bryan's red wine, feeling just fine, and wondering. I'm wondering about all sorts of things. Do you want the list? Well here it is anyway.

Things I am wondering Leslie

  • I'm wondering how all these nifty techno things came upon this site. Again. It has been a long time.
  • I'm thinking how my friend Thea would just love these changes...not that she didn't know how to do all these things by herself...but she would be happy that simpletons, like myself, can make a page interesting.
  • The purple was for Thea....Christine Thea Partridge who loved colour.
  • I'm wondering what I am going to do now that my miracle drug Vioxx has been pulled? How will be I ever walk again without excruciating pain? Fuck! A heart attack they say....ok...I will not have a heart attack, and I will never be able to walk again pain-free....or I do walk pain-free (find the drug on the black market) and have half the number of years I would normally have....whatever that number be, before the BIG one gets me? Hmmmm which would you choose? The BIG one has to be better than a long suffering cancer death. Doesn't it?
  • Perhaps too much wine you think? Nah.
  • I just tried a link but I don't think it worked. We'll see how this works out but man alive this is fun!
  • Going to publish now and see if all these kwell things worked.
