It's TIFF time again.....just about this time next week my pal and I will be heading to Toronto for a little 4 day holiday. A little holiday that includes a premiere film with Colin Firth "Easy Virtue"...who will be there I might add. Jealous anyone?
Where did I go and what did I do on my little trip to Toronto yesterday?
First I took the big blue ViVa bus to the Finch subway station. Yes it is a long ride to Finch, about 40 minutes longer than it takes to drive but the windows on the bus are huge allowing great views.
The subway REALLY needs some help, a bit of a spit and polish clean or a whole major redecoration. Honestly I don't think anything has been changed, improved and cleaned since I used the subway regularly about 30 years ago. I decided to get off the subway at Queen and walk north to Dundas Square; first inside the Eaton Centre from one end to the other and then outside. It used to be so much fun going to the Eaton Centre years ago but then the local Newmarket mall grew and grew and now has virtually the same shops at the Eaton Centre. We are not deprived. The only shops the Eaton Centre has that we don't, are those tres expensive and exclusive shops and I can live without goodies from them.
I shopped at H & M...yes we do have an H & M in Newmarket but I really think this one offered more variety. Can a girl ever have too many scarves? I don't think so. A quick walk-through "Forever 21" on the corner of Dundas & Yonge, showed that our new store is way better.
After that, I picked the movies for our holiday next weekend and decided to have lunch at the square, high up above, in Milestones. How smart of Milestones to put the single (or little double tables) right near the edge at the glass affording me entertainment. I don't mind eating out alone. I love to people watch and with the new scramble traffic light at this intersection, that opened that morning, there was lots of action and lots to see.
A fun day.