Oh I am so in limbo. I can't seem to get moving on anything. Perhaps it is the weather - the end of winter (we hope) and the start of spring (we hope for that too). I feel foggy and not particularly useful to society or anything or anyone in general. Not a deep dark depression, just a feeling of "why", "what for" and a huge need for warmth and sunshine. A wee vacation with cheerful friend(s) would be just the ticket to cheer me up. I went to my first Ballet on Saturday night, with L and thoroughly enjoyed that. During the third act I thought about the fact that 200 or 300 years ago people watched this same ballet, same music and probably the same moves. Wonderful!
Tomorrow I'm going to "Canada Blooms". I have been reading the gardening news and it seems that gardening is on the decline. The next generation are far too busy with work and careers to be outside working in the dirt on a weekend or evening. Some are afraid of the outdoors now with west nile virus and god-knows-what-else-will-get-us.
We, the baby boomers who started this craze, are now aging and it seems we are changing our gardens - they are evolving. Well, I could have told you all that. With my knee problems that is exactly what I am doing with my garden. No longer will I have a lush English garden with oodles and oodles of flowers. Nope. A quiet calm of green lush and big spaces with fresh cedar mulch between. The plants will be drought resistant, easy to maintain. This translates to a lot of flowering shrubs and climbers such as clematus and plants with interesting shades of green and varying textures. I've been working on these changes slowly over the last 2 or 3 years and I hope to have the garden where I want it this year.
All the colour focus will come from a few...very few...i.e. one or two big pots full of annuals. Easy to keep watered during our dry and water-banned summers. It seems the focus this year at Canada Blooms is just that - low maintenance, patio gardens. I'll take lots of pictures.
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