I've gone back in time...way way way back into the '60's which was a great time...The Beatles, Carnaby Street, King's Road, Mary Quant, Portobello Rd., mods & rockers and absolutely anything London! It wasn't until 1970 that another friend and I got to visit all these places. Although the early '70's weren't quite like the '60's it was still great fun to be there.
It was a time of Pattie Boyd and Twiggy. When I was growing up I had a good friend who hailed from England. Christine and I devoured any English magazine, especially teen magazines, that arrived frequently from "home". We became attached to this pretty model, Pattie Boyd who frequently modeled for "Honey Magazine" - a fab teen magazine from England. Once Beatlemania hit America, Pattie Boyd had a column in another favourite (American) magazine of the time, "16". Christine and I read every single word from Pattie's "London Calling" column in that magazine. And here we are from back then (around 1964 maybe)...that's me growing my hair to a "proper '60's length" and Christine who has the required full "fringe"..jpg)
I found this picture of Pattie Boyd, and was immediately taken back to that time...I remember, we studied these pictures and poses and clothes and hair and everything we could to turn ourselves into "London Girls". I had this very picture cut out and pinned on my bulletin board!
And then the movie was released..."A Hard Day's Night" and much to our surprise...look who is in the film and who eventually gets "my" Beatle, George. Beatlemania was at such a height at that time, that we lined up to buy tickets to see a movie that wouldn't arrive for a few weeks later! The movie house was packed, Christine and I were ready to scream with the rest of them. It was a crazy time and I loved it...did I say that already?
And now, the newest book on my table is "Wonderful Tonight". I have just started it and already I don't want to put it down...I want to leave work, snuggle in my swing outdoors and read and read.
I'm happy that this sweet model from the '60's now is happy and a succesful photographer and author. I'm not yet even into the book really but I have a sneaky suspicion that both of these men - George and Eric - treated her badly.http://www.pattieboyd.co.uk/ credit for the photo of Pattie Boyd and the photo from AHDN can be found here....don't want to step on any toes.
Great Nostalgia...and walk through growing up years...
Who did you line up with the whole day..to get those tickets for HDN?
who did I line up with?? was it you? was it Christine? all I remember is going to an old theatre downtown with a balcony packed full of screaming girls. Crazy eh? I know my DAD lined up at Maple Leaf Gardens to get tickets for Christine and I to see The Beatles. We sat way up in the grey's opposite end of the stage. My dad waited outside for us..afterall 13 and 14 was too young to be downtown LOL.
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