He's a very sick puppy. My old (13 years) yellow lab has been battling an ugly nose for awhile now. First the vet thought it might be a fungus infection, similar to the fungus infection he had up the butt. When the nose began to get even more gross, bleed and smell like a dead mouse...off we go to the vet again. This time they fear it is cancer and that it has spread to inside his nose. Oh my poor doggy and my poor

doggy's boy, shown here. Dunny was Adam's dog from the get-go. Dunny has been on prednisone and antibiotics and an eye drop as well for a week now. He is improving but we know we are going to have to do "the deed". Soon. Sniff. Our
sturdier friends are telling us to do it now! Tell me where it hurts Dunny and then I'll decide???
Oh this is so terribly sad. It is so hard to say goodbye to beloved pet, but to offer a way out of misery...we often must. I wish you strength in the coming weeks.
Don't dogs know they're supposed to live forever?
P.S. Your garden is lovely.
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