This picture is here for a reason....I'm not vain....I don't want to show off and I am definitely
not happy with the 25 lbs. post-cigarette-quitting a year ago, that I have packed on. The reason this picture is here is for an opinion from an knitting expert before I start one of her patterns. Anna (from England) I need your advice

. Is "Claude" for me? I fear I might be too body shape resembles one of my favourite characters in "Rosemary & Thyme" and I don't mean the skinny lady!!! I think "Claude" could possibly, maybe, perhaps work under a flowy tunic and pants of a soft fabric such as raw silk???? Oh I don't know. What do you think?
You are lovely woman, yay for quiting smoking (I still struggle with that one)! I see no reason why Claude does not flatter a well endowed woman- in fact (with all due respect to our designer) I think perhaps it is better suited to a woman with a bust!
Good for you for quitting. The recent fat-hysteria aside, those pounds are going to do much less damage to your body than the cigarettes. Hang in there! When I gained weight after quitting 3 years ago, a friend of mine kept saying "20 pounds of life!" So that's how I try to think of it. haha.
And I think Claude would look great too!
found you through amelia raite. just wanted to say congratulations on quitting smoking! that's such a fantastic accomplishment. and i really so no reason why you shouldn't knit claude -- especially if you already have the yarn!
Leslie- You are beautiful! I'd love to know where you bought your Salwar Kameez in plus sizes!! You look great in that colour, BTW.
I came here via Amelia Raite also and yu got my attention when Claude was mentioned. It's on my list to make also. I agree--I think Clause would be very nice on you.
Another of Anna's readers says "Hooray for you for quitting smoking!" And you should post a picture of yourself wearing Claude when you are all finished.
Ahh...thanks everyone for your ideas and suggestions and support. As soon as my yarn arrives - Debbie Bliss Cotton Angora in dark blue - I'm going to start swatching.
I agree with everyone else! Make up the Claude and play with the length. Sometimes, a shorter sweater over a longer body-skimming layer is equally as flattering as a longer tunic length top might be. And someone else already mentioned that the graceful neckline of Claude will draw attention to the lovely collarbone, and then upward to your lovely face. Thumbs up on Claude, and WAY BIG congrats on quitting smoking!
Congratulations - it's been almost ten months since I quit and I've also found extra pounds. Stay strong!!! Post a pic when you've knitted Claude, please!
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